Cooking Class for Six | One Big Table

One breakfast, lunch and dinner recipe

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Product Provided By: One Big Table

One Big Table

We have built a cooperative-owned grocery store dedicated to providing seasonal fruits and vegetables, free-range meats and eggs, artisan cheeses and breads to its members on a daily basis. We will offer the small, the unique, the traditionally made; heritage varieties that have been part of the land in the past but are now disappearing - in balance with the seasons and the natural rhythm they provide - all in one stop.

Why so dedicated to these unique flavours?  because they reflect who we are and our diverse backgrounds. They are in a sense, our culinary identity as British Columbians - defining who we are while shaping our community.

At One Big Table, we know where our food comes from, how it’s grown or raised, and how farmers and producers are compensated for their work. Because we believe something truly magical happens when you ‘meet your makers’ - you bring back to your kitchen that love and respect that the ingredient was created in …

And suddenly you are choosing to PARTICIPATE in the process, thereby becoming a CO-Producer.

Karis Support Society
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